Monday, May 2, 2022
More efficient organization and better access to what you need in OneDrive
Recently, we've been working to provide more efficient ways for you to organize and access your files, no matter where you are working. Easier access across OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams files for team collaboration. Lately we've been focusing on providing you with a more consistent experience when accessing your files across OneDrive, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. Now through OneDrive you can access the Teams you visit most frequently. We've added a dropdown to OneDrive and SharePoint that lets you easily switch between multiple document libraries associated with a Teams team or a SharePoint Site. To easily find and access the places where you regularly work, you can pin shared libraries to the Quick Access section in the left nav of OneDrive. You can stay up-to-date on all things via the OneDrive Blog and the OneDrive release notes.
Source: Microsoft Tech Community OneDrive Blog