Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Microsoft Tech Community
We're pleased to introduce Microsoft Lists - MSA Preview for iOS - now available for testing using the TestFlight app. Microsoft Lists at the tap of your fingertips - a fully functional information tracker while on the go. We have been using Lists for iOS here at Microsoft to plan morale events, gifts, roadmap items, travel expenses, and more - and we love it! We hope you enjoy it, too. You can access the Microsoft Lists - MSA Preview for iOS app for free using your MSA account. Currently Microsoft Lists - MSA Preview for iOS is limited to 10,000 installs via this method of preview. A: The current production app in the App Store is Microsoft Lists which supports logging in with your work or school account - for commercial Microsoft 365 customers. The Microsoft Lists - MSA Preview for iOS allows signing in with your Microsoft account.
Read more at https://bit.ly/3RiPH7Y
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog