Thursday, September 15, 2022

Microsoft's HRWeb portal runs on SharePoint in Microsoft 365

Microsoft's own human resources portal - known internally as HRWeb - gets personal, thanks to the modern SharePoint experience in Microsoft 365. Microsoft employees use HRWeb to check on benefits, adjust withholdings, find a specific company policy, and more. I use it to check health benefits, get career guidance, learn about official company holidays, and print out tax info when it's tax season here in the US. HRWeb is a one-stop shop internal human resources site that serves a variety of important employment information for all 160,000+ employees worldwide. The homepage of Microsoft's HR portal running on modern SharePoint in Microsoft 365. The full article shares more about the strategy and execution of how Microsoft found just the right fit - plus a little custom code and Jay Clem about how Microsoft adjusts its practices and technology to improve the employee experience for 160K full-time Microsoft employees around the world - including insights abouth the very same HRWeb. If you have any questions about the tech, the strategy, and any feedback for the team, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to either answer inline or loop the right person in to carry the discussion forward. Read more at Source: Microsoft Tech Community SharePoint Blog