Thursday, January 19, 2023

Create multiple staff appointments with Microsoft Bookings

As one of the most requested features for Microsoft Bookings, we are pleased to share that you can now create a multiple staff appointment! Previously, Bookings only supported the creation of a single staff service where an appointment is scheduled with a single staff member. With the new multiple staff appointments feature, you can create service with more than one staff member in a single appointment. Your end customers will now be able to create appointments using the multiple staff service and meet all staff members together. Multiple staff: When selected, the booking will be scheduled with all the assigned staff members of the service. An image demonstrating two service type options available for staff: Single staff and Multiple staff. It's also important to note that in the case of Multiple staff service, your end customers will be able to book an appointment only when all the staff members of the service are available to attend. This feature is called a N:N service - a service between multiple staff and multiple attendees. Read more at Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog