Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Building beautiful sites with purpose: Part 2

As you are building out your site one of the ways that you can add visual interest to your site is through your choice of images. TIP: All images should have alternate or decorative text applied to them to make your images and sites fully accessible. There are a few core differences between a communication and team site that will require us to make different choices to make our sites look beautiful. For the homepage of the communication site, we started out with a full-width section that utilized an image web part to display a high impact garden image with our prominent headline for our homepage included on the image. Team sites do not allow full-width sections and web parts. As you looked in detail at both of the sites created, you might have noticed that some of these had some extra pieces in them that made the site stand out a bit more and are not available directly out of the box. There are so many options for ways that you can customize your sites with images and designs, let your imagination run wild and create something beautiful. -------------------- Read more at https://bit.ly/3IloDnh Source: Microsoft Tech Community SharePoint Blog