Wednesday, March 29, 2023
The Service That SharePoint Built
Now, in 2023, a new tale emerges - one that is sure to rise to the top of the Tech PDF charts. Imagine, two IT Pros floating in the sky looking down at a Microsoft 365 data center. This is not your typical technical PDF. It is a tech parody intended to bring the giggles while learning a thing or two about the glue that binds - that many Microsoft 365 applications are powered by SharePoint: Loop, OneDrive, Sites, Designer, Syntex, Office, Teams, Viva, Stream, Whiteboard, Search, Yammer, and Lists. Ms/Story/BuiltBySharePoint to experience this wonderful cumulative tale of a service that is both platform and app. That is stored in the service that SharePoint built. That was tagged with the metadata - powered by Syntex.
Source: Microsoft Tech Community SharePoint Blog