Monday, May 8, 2023

Empower your organization to achieve more with the Accessibility Baseline.

Our latest addition to the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center and Cloud Policy is the Accessibility Baseline. It is a set of accessibility policies and or recommend settings for policies to enable Accessible document creation across tour organization. If you're using Microsoft 365 Apps, you're good to go! This feature is embedded in the Cloud Policy toolset in the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center and will enable an IT Pro to configure policies which are centered around accessible document creation. Example: Screen shot of the Accessibility Bassline with the current policies filtered and configuring a policy for Microsoft Excel. with an Excel policy configured. As you can see once the policy is configured the end user cannot turn off Check for accessibility while editing. Screenshot of the Accessibility options in the backstage of Excel showing a policy configured. -------------------- Read more at Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog