Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Meeting Details in OneNote
In OneNote, we're improving Meeting Details to take care of the time-consuming task of capturing meeting context so you can focus on what you do best: run meetings effectively and follow up flawlessly. As you start to write notes about a meeting, you can bring context from your meetings into your Notebook by using the Meeting Details feature through the OneNote ribbon, or by using the 'Send to OneNote' feature in Outlook. An image demonstrating Meeting Details Suggestion Cards on a OneNote page from a desktop device. An image of the Meeting Details suggestion cards zoomed in. In addition to basic information about a meeting such as date, description, and attendees, Meeting Details will now add content from Teams' intelligent meeting recap. To make collaboration across Microsoft 365 even easier, Meeting Details also includes the meeting's corresponding Loop collaborative notes, where any contributions within the component will automatically be shared with the meeting participants. An image demonstrating Loop collaborative notes for the corresponding meeting and annotations outside the Loop component on the OneNote canvas.
Read more at https://bit.ly/44kTJU5
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog