Monday, June 5, 2023

Microsoft 365 Lighthouse Deployment Insights

Lighthouse provides a comprehensive security baseline and helps you deploy it across your customers' tenants - which is VERY cool - but what's even cooler is the ability to see the deployment status of every task and every user across every tenant that you manage on a single pane of glass! Previously, even with the comprehensive deployment capabilities of Lighthouse, you would have to look at each tenant, one-by-one, to understand their deployment status, review deployment exceptions, and figure out which tenants you should focus on at any given time. If you're an admin, you can use deployment insights to assign deployment activities across your team and audit deployment exceptions. If you're a service engineer, you can use deployment insights to quantify threats based on user- and task-level deployment progress so you can prioritize your deployment activities. If you're in sales, you can use deployment insights to identify which tenants need additional licenses to complete their deployment plan. Deployment insights can be viewed by tenant or by task. Lighthouse has powerful deployment capabilities that allow you to tailor baselines for each tenant that you manage which means that you need equally powerful reporting capabilities to help you audit and manage deployment exceptions as your tenant management strategies evolve. -------------------- Read more at Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Business Blog