Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Alerts and notifications are now available in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse
We are making it easier to stay informed of these insights through alerts and notifications. Offering alerting capabilities on several key scenarios, we've made it easier than ever for Managed Service Providers to integrate multi-tenant alerts into their everyday workflows with configuration directly in Lighthouse without configuring these alerts in multiple admin portals. Screenshot example of a Microsoft 365 Lighthouse alert notification email. We will continue to add new alert types, and we always welcome Partner feedback if there are new alerts you'd like to see added. For each created alert rule, MSPs can view and action the alert directly within a single page in Lighthouse. Screenshot of the Alerts grid page, with a historical and individual alerts graph. We're excited to bring this multi-tenant alert capability to Lighthouse and help empower MSPs to integrate alerts from Lighthouse into their everyday workflows.
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Business Blog