Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Reminder: Create GDAP templates in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse

As detailed previously, Lighthouse provides a way to create GDAP templates that can be easily applied across all your customers, with built-in role recommendations and the ability to automatically complete role assignments once a customer has approved the relationship. A screenshot of creating GDAP templates in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse. Microsoft has already created GDAP relationships for all existing DAP relationships as part of the Microsoft-led DAP to GDAP transition. Instead, these relationships will have default GDAP relationships, requiring action to assign GDAP roles to security groups for these customers. Using GDAP templates in Lighthouse, you can quickly add new customers to an existing template to accelerate this process. Start using GDAP templates in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse today Get started by registering for Lighthouse, logging in with the required roles, and using GDAP to configure delegated access. We're also working on new features to allow you to manage your users easily, update your GDAP templates, and create new GDAP relationships as you onboard new customers. -------------------- Read more at https://bit.ly/3F3kGkw Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Business Blog