Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Manage users across all your tenants using Microsoft 365 Lighthouse
The new User metrics report helps you see key user information across all your tenants in one place. As a Managed Service Provider managing multiple customer tenants, you need to keep track of the users across all your customer tenants. It's important to know how many users are in each tenant, how many are licensed, and how many are active. The User metrics report in Lighthouse gives you a high-level overview of the user inventories across all your customer tenants in a single view. You can see the total number of users, licensed users, global admin users, guest users, inactive users, and shared mailboxes that have not been blocked in each tenant. Selecting any tenant from this report opens the Users page from its Microsoft 365 admin center, where you can view and manage all their users. The User metrics report provides unprecedented visibility to critical information into users across every tenant you manage, making it easier to see and mitigate threats associated with user accounts.
Read more at https://bit.ly/3uMkp3P
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Business Blog