Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Embark on a Seamless Journey to Microsoft 365 with Our Latest Enhancements to Migration Manager

Migration Manager is a powerful tool, hosted within the setup page of the Microsoft 365 admin center, that helps seamlessly transfer data from various sources, such as BOX, Google Drive, Dropbox, and file shares, to Microsoft 365. We're excited to share some enhancements to Migration Manager to make migrations simpler, more seamless and more secure. That's why we're thrilled to announce that Migration Manager now supports migrating Google Forms definitions and results to Microsoft Forms so that customers can preserve access to this important data on the Microsoft 365 platform. While migrating content from Google Drive to Microsoft 365, Migration Manager is already able to convert Google Sheets spreadsheets into Microsoft Excel documents. To help you better migrate Box content, Migration Manager now supports the automatic conversion of Box Notes to Microsoft Word files during the migration process. With the introduction of new features such as multi-project support, guided first run experience, a migration time estimator, and flexible migration filters, you will have a refined user experience that empowers you throughout the migration process. We're committed to continually improving Migration Manager as your trusted cloud migration service. -------------------- Read more at https://bit.ly/3OfWv7t Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog