Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Introducing custom shapes in Visio for the web
The Microsoft Visio team is excited to announce that Visio for the web will now support custom shapes, a feature that many of you have been asking for! Users with a Visio Plan 2 license will be able to import custom shapes in the form of a Visio stencil file, which can be created using the Visio desktop app or downloaded from a third-party source. Adding custom shapes in Visio for the web is simple, but please note that a Visio Plan 2 license is required. A cropped image of a blank drawing in Visio for the web highlighting the new Custom Shapes tab in the Shapes pane. Select the Add Custom Shapes drop-down, then select the appropriate option for uploading a custom shapes stencil file from a OneDrive folder or local device. A cropped image of a blank drawing in Visio for the web demonstrating how to add a new custom shapes stencil. Upload multiple stencil files and use them in the same diagram or use your custom shapes along with the built-in shapes available in Visio for the web. The process for sharing your diagrams created with custom shapes is no different than sharing any diagram created in Visio for the web.
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog