Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Network provider connectivity attribution in the Microsoft 365 admin center

In the list of locations, you should see a Network Providers column that shows you the network providers used at each location. In the Network Traffic tab where you see the list of providers at the tenant level, you can click on any network provider and a flyout panel appears with an option to View Locations that you can click to view the list of automatically filtered locations for this provider. View Locations is not shown when we can't identify the office locations where the network provider is used. We depend on location information from Windows Location Services to discover your location, it's possible that WLS is not enabled on your user's devices, or you chose to not share the location information with Microsoft in the Settings for Network Connectivity in Microsoft 365 admin center. In the network telemetry we have information like your LAN Subnet ID, Egress IP address that enables us to show all your locations from where your users are connecting to Microsoft 365. You added a location using /20 LAN subnet, we received a LAN subnet attribute containing /24 in the network assessment, we will map this network assessment to the location based on the /20 supernet definition. You can use the NPI chart to find top performing network providers and view their performance assessment at a given location, such as your office location or any other location from where users connect to Microsoft 365. -------------------- Read more at https://bit.ly/3SE1AJC Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog